Friday, October 13, 2017

Weekly Menu


Another new way that I have tried using my bullet journal is with my family's weekly menu.  Now, I'm usually not very organized with my cooking and hardly ever have a menu period like I used to!  So I thought that I would give this approach a try.

The first week I tried it it seemed to be pretty helpful.  But my second time (this week) it didn't seem very productive.  I could only think of two meal ideas at the time when I was making my upcoming week's entries.  So for the majority of my week, I feel like I've had to wing it most nights for supper without much help from my menu in the bullet journal!  I guess the success of a weekly menu has various factors involved, like whether or not you have recently been to the grocery store and have the ingredients you need, how many times you go out to eat, when payday is, if the recipe you saw online that made your mouth water actually made it to your weekly menu or not(!) etc., etc.

Even though it didn't seem to serve much purpose this past week, I'll probably continue having a menu page in my bullet journal until I can hire a personal chef (ha ha) because I need all the help I can get when it comes to meals and cooking!  Some weeks are just going to be more organized than others, and that's ok!

What are some ways that you use your Bullet Journal?  Have you tried it with your menus?

Happy Weekend!

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